Community Neurology

The Parkinson’s Foundation is your trusted partner in Parkinson’s care.
You make life better for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). We are here to help.
A recent Parkinson’s Foundation study that analyzed Medicare claims data found that more than 50% of people with Parkinson’s see a general neurologist for their PD care and 29% see a primary care physician. Whether you provide Parkinson’s care every day or only occasionally, the Parkinson’s Foundation is here to support you. Below we highlight the many resources that can help you, your patients and your team navigate this complicated disease, from diagnosis to advanced stages.
Resources for Professionals
Get answers to your PD questions and order resources for your office at no cost. Call 1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636) for help in English or Spanish.
Local Resources
Find a local chapter and get connected to community resources for your PD patients — including wellness and exercise programs, support groups and events.
Genetic Research
PD GENEration, our landmark research initiative, offers genetic testing and counseling at no cost in English and Spanish. Contact the Helpline for more information.
Continuing Education (CME/CEUs) at No Cost
We offer self-paced, online, accredited courses on Parkinson’s care. Topics include:
Sign Up for Updates
Patient Education Materials
Below we highlight some of our most popular education materials, many available for bulk ordering at no cost. View our full library and download materials at
To learn more call the Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636).
- Parkinson’s Disease: Frequently Asked Questions
- Fitness Counts: A Body Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
- Mood: A Mind Guide to Parkinson’s Disease
Fact Sheets
- 10 Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease
- Constipation and Other Gastrointestinal Problems
- Falls Prevention
- Understanding PD: Misconceptions, Reality and Fact
Resources and Support for Your Patients
The Parkinson’s Foundation is the leading community for people with Parkinson’s and those who love them. From podcasts to webinars to local community events, we have the resources and support your patients need to live well with Parkinson’s.
The Parkinson’s Foundation also has specific information and resources for veterans, women, Black communities, and LGBTQ+ communities.
Recursos en Español
Acceda a nuestros recursos en español, incluyendo videos, libros, hojas informativas y episodios de podcast. La Línea de Ayuda también está disponible en español.
The Parkinson’s Foundation gratefully acknowledges AbbVie for their support of this initiative. Click below to learn about their MANAGE-PD tool, an instrument for healthcare providers treating patients with Parkinson’s disease uncontrolled on oral medications.