Palliative Care Initiative

Our initiative, Implementing Team-based Outpatient Palliative Care in Parkinson’s Foundation Centers of Excellence, provides personalized training to Parkinson’s disease (PD) specialists and teams in the art of palliative care.
The Problem
Treatments and medications prescribed for people with Parkinson’s primarily address movement symptoms. In Parkinson’s, non-movement symptoms — such as depression, anxiety and fatigue — go underreported and undertreated. People with Parkinson’s often find these symptoms to be more debilitating than movement symptoms, according to our clinical study, the Parkinson’s Outcomes Project.
“Palliative care is about professionals of all disciplines really being active listeners and listening to the agenda of a patient and family who's sitting in front of you, not the agenda of what you think that they should need. Listen to where they are in their Parkinson's journey.”
- Joan Gardner, BSN Nurse
How We Are Addressing It
Palliative care, also known as supportive care, is an approach to care that focuses on treating the whole person instead of the disease. When healthcare professionals provide PD-tailored palliative care, the focus is on quality of life. Studies have shown that people who receive palliative care experience:
- Less pain and other symptoms like constipation.
- Improved quality of communication with doctors and family members
- More emotional support.
- Care that is more aligned with their wishes and meets their emotional and spiritual needs.
Our goal is to make the palliative care approach widely available and accessible from the time of diagnosis, providing support for people with Parkinson’s and their family members, throughout every stage of the disease.
Our initiative, Implementing Team-based Outpatient Palliative Care in Parkinson’s Foundation Centers of Excellence, provides personalized training to PD specialists and teams in the art of palliative care. Parkinson’s Foundation designated centers receive individualized training and implementation plans that best meet the needs and resources of their center. Working in collaboration with the University of Rochester Medical Center, the program was launched based on a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funded study. Through this initiative, the Foundation has trained more than 800 health care professional team members across Centers of Excellence, which provide care for more than 70,000 people with PD.
A Parkinson’s Palliative Care Model

Explore All Our Care Programs
Hospital Care Initiative
This initiative aims to eliminate preventable harm and promote higher reliability in care for people with Parkinson’s in the hospital.
Rehabilitation Medicine
From physical, occupational and speech therapy, this initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of rehabilitation care in Parkinson’s.
Our Care Strategy
Find out how we are working to ensure every person with Parkinson’s receives the highest quality care possible, regardless of setting.