Advancing Research
There is still a lot we do not know about Parkinson’s disease (PD). The Parkinson’s Foundation drives a multi-disciplinary research strategy to close the gaps in knowledge about Parkinson’s – from its basic biology to its impact on the brain and its effects on people. We work to accelerate our findings, quickly applying them to improved treatments and care today.
We spur discovery by taking a comprehensive, big-picture approach to research. This approach is vital to identifying the fastest lanes to new therapies for the 10 million people living with Parkinson's in the world.
Research Initiatives

Finding a Cure
Breakthrough scientific research that improves care for everyone living with Parkinson’s is at the heart of our mission. Find out how we advance research and work towards ending Parkinson’s.
Understanding your genetic tie to Parkinson’s can be empowering. PD GENEration is a national initiative that offers genetic testing for PD-related genes and genetic counseling at no cost for people with Parkinson’s.
ENROLL IN OUR STUDYKey Findings That Matter
Differences in care dramatically impact daily life with Parkinson’s. Our Parkinson’s Outcomes Project findings can help you advocate for your best care. Study findings have led to best practices and accelerating research.
Get Involved in Research
Let’s speed up Parkinson’s research. Find a research study you can join today. Learn more about our research advocate program to help us ensure more funds are directed towards research that matters to people with PD.
Related Materials
Neuro Talk: Research You Fund
Getting Involved in Research
Neuro Talk: How Does Basic Parkinson’s Research Get Us Closer to a Cure?

For Researchers
Our competitive awards and grants fund a diverse array of Parkinson's research. We fund all types of researchers from early career and established scientists to clinicians who treat patients every day.
Join the Fight Against Parkinson's
Support our mission to make life better for people with Parkinson’s. Your gift will help us improve care and advance research toward a cure.