Listen to Our Top 10 Podcast Episodes Now

Our podcast, Substantial Matters: Life and Science of Parkinson’s, features more than 35 episodes about the latest PD treatments, research and therapies that help make life better for people with Parkinson’s. Catch up with our 10 most popular episodes:
1. How to Manage Parkinson’s “Off” Time
Parkinson’s symptoms can get better and worse throughout the day. These so-called “on-off” fluctuations (or motor fluctuations) and dyskinesias can be troubling, but a movement disorder specialist can help. Find out what causes these changes and how your doctor can help you manage them.
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2. The Benefits of Exercise for People with Parkinson’s
Regular exercise is essential for people with Parkinson's. This podcast describes what is known about exercise and PD and what is being researched, as well as tips on overcoming exercise barriers.
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3. Early Warning Signs of Parkinson’s
In the debut episode of Substantial Matters, Parkinson’s Foundation national medical director Michael S. Okun, MD, talks about the early signs of Parkinson's and gives advice on what to do following a diagnosis.
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4. The Importance of Good Nutrition for People with Parkinson’s
Nutrition plays an integral role when it comes to good Parkinson's care. Find out which PD symptoms are impacted by diet, how to optimize the effects of medication and how to get adequate nutrition.
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5. The Keys to Driving with Parkinson’s
Age, along with Parkinson’s, can affect critical driving skills. However, giving up the keys is an emotionally charged issue. This podcast examines DriveWise, a program that involves a multidisciplinary team of health professionals who assess the skills and mental abilities needed to drive safely.
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6. New Levodopa Delivery Methods for Parkinson’s
While levodopa is the most effective treatment for Parkinson’s, some people experience “off” periods or dyskinesias. Learn about the new delivery methods that promise to help. Learn about levodopa infusions, skin patches and long-release pills that are in development.
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7. Genetics as a Guide to Neuroprotection in Parkinson’s Disease
For decades medication has been used to control PD symptoms, but researchers have yet to find a way to protect neurons (brain cells) to slow down or stop disease progression. Learn how modern genetics can be a guide to developing new drugs.
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8. Young-Onset Parkinson’s 101
A diagnosis of young-onset Parkinson’s disease brings special challenges. For instance, deciding when to disclose the diagnosis at work and to children can be difficult while you are still coping with the news. Learn techniques for dealing with these challenges.
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9. Medical Marijuana: Going Green for PD?
More people are exploring medical marijuana, also called cannabis, to help treat various chronic health conditions, including Parkinson’s. However, much is still unknown about its use for medical purposes. Learn the latest developments in this podcast.
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10. Autonomic Problems
To avoid embarrassment, people with PD often avoid telling their physicians about PD-related urinary symptoms, sleep disturbances, sexual and intimacy matters and many other issues. This podcast focuses on these topics and how some can have easy solutions.
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