New Year's Resolutions to Help You Thrive in 2025

As we enter 2025, we're here to help you thrive! Setting New Year's Resolutions is the perfect way to kickstart intentional goals and positive habits. These resolutions can change your behavior throughout the rest of the year.
New Year’s resolutions can often mean having goals that last for a short time. It is important to create resolutions that are personal to you and what you want this year to look like. Resolutions are not supposed to be impossible or cause guilt; they should be goals that bring excitement and hope. We have fun tips and suggestions on what kinds of resolutions you can make!
It is important to find an exercise plan you enjoy and that fits well into your schedule. Exercise helps people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) manage movement and non-movement symptoms. There are many options for what kinds of exercises you can try. Participating in a fun workout can help you enjoy your time and strengthen your body.
Resources for You!
- Try new exercises from the comfort of home with Fitness Fridays
- Use our In Your Area search to find exercise classes near you
- Sign up for a spring Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson's, event
Nutrition is an important part of your physical and mental health. Good nutrition can help manage Parkinson’s and promote overall well-being. It is also fun to try out new recipes and change up what you eat.
Resources for You!
- Listen to our Podcast for Nutrition Advice
- Read our factsheet Nutrition and PD
- Learn about Tips for Daily Living: Nutrition for a Healthier You
Practicing self-care can be a challenge to incorporate in your daily life but creating a self-care plan is a great way to start. A self-care plan looks like a personalized schedule to enjoy what brings you rest. Self-care can promote mindfulness and resiliency throughout the year.
Resources for You!
- Set one resolution around Emotional Well-Being
- SIgn up for Mindfulness Mondays and Wellness Wednesdays virtual events
- Utilize our Care Partner resources
There are many ways to get plugged into your community. It can be helpful to have people around you for support through the year. In times of stress, a community can remind you that you are not alone. The Parkinson’s Foundation has many resources for you to connect with a strong support system.
There are also many opportunities to serve your community. Find your local Parkinson’s Foundation chapter and the events coming up. Volunteering and fundraising can create a positive impact on your community while helping you feel connected to those around you.
Resources for You!
- Get connected to your local chapter to find support groups and events
- Find ways to fundraise
- Volunteer alongside your PD community
How to Make Your Plan

Sometimes resolutions can feel overwhelming and impossible. It can be easy to feel guilt and frustration when things do not go as planned. Follow these tips to make your New Year’s resolutions fun:
- Find goals that excite you
- Create goals that are achievable. It is good to challenge yourself, but resolutions should not be impossible.
- Talk to a loved one about your resolutions so that you have someone to support you
- Remember it is never too late to create or adjust goals
Throughout 2025, use your resolutions to try new things and develop personal growth. The Parkinson’s Foundation is happy to support your goals with our many resources.
The Parkinson's Foundation is here for you. Our Helpline can not only answer your Parkinson’s questions but can help you find local exercise classes and support groups. Call our Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO (1-800-473-4636).
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