9 Impactful Goals You Helped Us Achieve in 2021
2021 was an exciting year for the Parkinson’s Foundation. Thanks to YOU we were able to fund more Parkinson’s disease (PD) research and community programs than ever before!
Here are nine ways we made a positive impact in 2021:
1. Reached 3,000 volunteers
We rely on the energy, skill and passion of our volunteers to advance research toward a cure. This year we reached an impressive 3,000 volunteers who want to help us beat Parkinson’s — from our Parkinson’s Champions to our Moving Day volunteers. Thank you!
2. Invested Additional $10 Million for Research, Care and Education Programs
This investment includes expanding PD GENEration to the Hispanic and Caribbean communities, and $2 million in funding across 143 community grants that support educational and wellness classes.
3. Shared Key Parkinson’s Genetics Findings at American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting
This year, we participated in the American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, presenting on PDGENEration’s evolution to at-home genetic testing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
4. Surveyed the PD Community On Pressing Topics
In the U.S., cannabis has become more widely available for medical and recreational use. Until this survey, there was insufficient data about the attitudes towards, and experiences with cannabis use among those living with PD.
5. Funded Critical Parkinson’s Research
This year we invested $4.3 million in 29 grants to accelerate cutting-edge Parkinson’s research. Each of these studies has the potential to lead us to the next breakthrough PD therapy or treatment.
Check out the grants we funded this year
6. Published New Veterans Resources and Events
Together, with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), we hosted new online events created for veterans with Parkinson’s and care partners. We also published new tools and information for veterans, such as our new FAQ guide for veterans.
Visit Parkinson.org/Veterans today
7. Launched $30 Million Multi-Year Fundraising Campaign
This fall, we launched Reach Further, a four-year fundraising initiative that will raise an additional $30 million to accelerate Parkinson’s research and increase access to health care and quality-of-life programs.
8. Released new online Care Partner Program
Our new Care Partner Program is a series of self-paced online courses designed with care partners in mind. Courses address top caregiving topics, from preventing caregiver burnout to nutrition.
9. Brought Local Communities Together at Moving Day
We began with virtual and drive through Moving Day events and ended the year strong with safe in-person events. All 47 events brought our local PD communities together.
Sign up for a 2022 Moving Day today
Help us further our reach and impact in 2022.
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