Live Fitness Fridays - Total Body Workout

Today we focus on total body functional exercises that incorporate aerobic activity, strength, agility, and balance. The instructors will offer modifications that allow you to choose to increase or decrease the challenge. Items needed: sturdy chair with arms and water bottle. Enjoy the session!
Courtney Roca, PT, DPT, EdD - Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Neurologic Physical Therapy; Assistant Professor, Gannon University, DPT Program; Co-Director, Purposeful Movement and Wellness Program for People with PD - Parkison Parnters of Northwest PA
Constance Lewis, PT, DPT - Board Certified Clinical Specialist in Geriatric Physical Therapy; Assistant Teaching Professor, Gannon University, DPT Program; Co-Director, Purposeful Movement and Wellness Program for People with PD - Parkinson Partners of Northwest PA
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their family, friends, and the community.
Contact Us
PD Health @ Home Team
This is a virtual program, taking place live, using the online Zoom platform. Instructions on joining the webinar are provided after registering.
Upcoming Events
Staying Connected: Nurturing Closeness Beyond Parkinson's
This webinar will explore ways to deepen and maintain emotional bonds.
Impulse Control Disorders: Understanding and Managing the Challenges
This webinar will explore what causes ICDs, how to manage them, and practical tools to support those impacted.
Live Fitness Friday - Active and Rising
Get moving with PD-tailored fitness videos that feature a different focus every week, from balance to coordination and more.