People With Parkinson’s Share Their COVID-19 #KeyToPD

The Parkinson’s Foundation is dedicated to helping keep our Parkinson’s disease (PD) community safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic that has disrupted so many of our daily routines. Access to gyms and exercise classes have been limited or entirely inaccessible. In-person gatherings are no longer encouraged. Even certain nutritious food items have been harder to find.
With all this in mind, we found it essential to expand our virtual programs. Through PD Health @ Home, we now offer more online health and wellness classes than ever before to ensure you have the resources you need to stay social and active through the foreseeable future.
We asked a few of our friends to share their top tips for managing PD during the pandemic. Here’s what they had to say:

“Art is my passion and during the pandemic I’ve had more time to paint. I would highly recommend any form of art to help you relax and boost your mood while physically distancing.”
Read how our Center of Excellence network and our community grant recipient promote healthy practices through art therapy.

"Find a webinar and participate. There are so many out there."
If you have any questions about Parkinson’s and COVID-19 contact our Helpline at 1-800-4PD-INFO (473-4636) or
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