The Parkinson’s Stories That Inspired Us in 2021

Whether diagnosed at 31 or 72, tremor or no tremor, fast or slow progression, feeling relief or anger at hearing the words “You have Parkinson’s,” every Parkinson’s disease (PD) story is different. Every person who shared their PD Story with the Parkinson’s Foundation has one thing in common — they hope their story might just help someone else.
Each of the top PD stories below inspire us to keep making life better for people with Parkinson’s. Let these testimonials remind you that you are not alone. We thank everyone who has found the courage to share their story with us and our global PD community.

“The Parkinson’s Foundation is taking aggressive steps towards a future without Parkinson’s disease through the Reach Further campaign, and I am proud to support these ambitious plans.”

“If I learned one thing from being diagnosed young, at 21, it is that getting young-onset Parkinson’s is not a death sentence. Life will get tougher; you just have to find a way to adapt.” Read Samantha’s story now.

“From a time before my formal diagnosis, I have understood that exercise is important therapy... but humans are not good at connecting future consequences with immediate actions.”

“We planned on getting older together, but we didn’t plan to get sick... Each day is a gift. Each day is a gift. Each day is a gift. Repeat.”

“On the morning of my first day of ski lessons, my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I wasn't able to hold my cup or eat cereal. At first, I thought that it was just nerves...”

“In 2017 I noticed my husband Scott’s right pinky twitching… A few weeks later, Scott’s whole hand was trembling, and he could no longer hold a glass of water without spilling.”
Every My PD Story is unique.
If you would like to share your Parkinson’s story, please submit your story online.
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