Ultimate Guide to National Family Caregivers Month

This year, more than ever, care partners deserve recognition. From becoming a quarantine expert with their loved one with Parkinson’s disease (PD), to becoming a telemedicine appointment pro, to navigating natural disasters ― 2020 has given us some new and unpredictable experiences.
This National Family Caregivers Month, whether you are a care partner or cannot imagine life without yours, join us as we honor your #HeroAtHome in these six ways:

1. Display Your #HeroAtHome Sign
Show your loved one you appreciate all they do. Download our sign and hang it on your door, a window, anywhere your care partner will see it. Then share your sign on social media using #HeroAtHome.
2. Use or Share Care Partner Resources
We have tons of resources to help care partners. In fact, we have an entire section of our webpage dedicated just to care partners. If you are a care partner, try a new resource or share these resources with a care partner in your life today:
- Caring and Coping: A Guide to Parkinson’s
- 15 Actionable Ways to Practice Self-Care
- Aware in Care hospitalization kit
- Care Partner Summit Sessions
- …and more! Read our Top 10 Essential Care Partner Resources.

3. Care to Talk
We worked together with AARP to create this set of Care to Talk? cards that offer 12 ways for care partners to spark important conversations with each other. Check them out and play today in English or Spanish.
4. Join the Conversation
You are not alone in your caregiving journey. Find your online community at PD Conversations, where you can ask questions and explore trending topics. There’s even a discussion group dedicated to caregiving!

5. Share Your Story
Shelley Friedland’s My PD Story will leave you inspired. As a physical therapist, she and her husband worked together from day one, evolving into PD advocates who help other couples navigate this disease.
We want to hear your story! If you are a care partner, tell us about your caregiving journey. If you have Parkinson’s and a care partner, tell us how he or she makes life better.
6. Share Your Caregiving #KeyToPD
We want to know your key to living well as a care partner for a loved one with Parkinson’s. What tips have you learned throughout your journey? Have you found a product or technique that makes your routine easier? How do you practice self-care?
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