Educational Events

Staying Connected: Nurturing Closeness Beyond Parkinson's

Virtual ( Zoom )
1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST
Husband and wife lookin at a tablet while on their porch

The journey of Parkinson’s disease can create physical, emotional, and cognitive challenges that impact relationships, making it difficult to feel close and connected to a loved one. This webinar will explore ways to deepen and maintain emotional bonds, despite these challenges. Through compassionate communication strategies, shared activities, and tools to foster understanding, participants will gain practical and meaningful approaches to staying close to their loved ones while preserving and celebrating their unique connection.


Bradley McDaniels, PhD, CRC
Assistant Professor, Rehabilitation Studies Undergraduate Program Coordinator
Department of Rehabilitation and Health Services
University of North Texas

There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their family, friends, and the community.

PD Health @ Home is presented by the Light of Day Foundation, whose generosity has made this programming possible.

Light of Day 2025

This is a virtual program, taking place live, using the online Zoom platform. Instructions on joining the webinar are provided after registering.

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