Moving Day NC Triangle Kickoff

Join us at the Moving Day NC Triangle kickoff event (join in-person or virtually) to learn more about the Parkinson’s Foundation research initiatives and to learn about activities being planned for Moving Day NC Triangle.
Hear from Dr. James Beck, the Parkinson’s Foundation’s Chief Scientific Officer, and meet other walkers & individuals who are just as dedicated to our local Parkinson’s community as you are. All registered Moving Day participants are invited. RSVP is required for attendance.
Contact Us
Morgan Gilbert
Upcoming Events
Mindfulness Mondays - Mental Well-being
Join us every Monday as our expert speaker leads you in guided relaxation techniques to help boost brain power and reduce stress.
The PD Solo Network
A virtual network for people living with Parkinson's disease who live alone, by choice or circumstance.
Staying Connected: Nurturing Closeness Beyond Parkinson's
This webinar will explore ways to deepen and maintain emotional bonds.