Learn More. Live Better. Parkinson's Symposium

Check-in & the Resource Fair (for in-person attendees) begins at 9:00 a.m. EDT
Living with Parkinson’s can be challenging, but there are many things you can do to maintain and improve your quality of life. This program will provide you with information to help you find the balance between a proactive approach and wondering what lies ahead.
There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their families, friends, and the community.
Expert Panelists:
Vanessa Hinson, MD, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) - A Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence
Nathan DeTurk, MD
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) - A Parkinson's Foundation Center of Excellence
Courtney Conner, RD
Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Bluffton
Ellen Glazer, SLP
Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Bluffton
Kim Gamble
Memory & Movement Charlotte
Robyn Young, MSW, CDP
Renee Bannon, RN, BSN
Encompass Health
Robert Scutta, CSA
Scutta Advocacy Group
Diana Parrish
Parkinson's Foundation
People with Parkinson's & Care Partner Panelists:
Jay & Marilyn Phillips
Ron Stokes
Scott & Kelly Rider
Pete & Mary Anne Oliver
Movement Break Provided By:
Rock Steady Boxing Hilton Head
Carter Barrett, RipTide MMA
Participation Options:
Join us in-person at our main symposium location - Creative Church in Hardeeville, SC: Check-in and the Resource Fair start at 9:00 a.m. Lunch will be served immediately following the program.
Join us in-person at an Encompass Viewing Party: If you cannot join us in person in Hardeeville, we encourage you to attend an Encompass Viewing Party (locations outlined below). At a Viewing Party, you can participate in a Resource Fair, watch the livestream, and enjoy refreshments with other members of your local Parkinson's community.
Encompass Viewing Party Locations:
- Greenville
- Columbia
- Little River
- Florence
To register for a viewing party, click on the "Register for Virtual" button above and specify which location you will be joining.
Join us online: If you cannot participate in our in-person Symposium or a Viewing Party, you can join us online!
This program is hosted by the Parkinson's Foundation Carolinas Chapter in partnership with Encompass Health.

Program Agenda
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Upcoming Events
Impulse Control Disorders: Understanding and Managing the Challenges
This webinar will explore what causes ICDs, how to manage them, and practical tools to support those impacted.
Live Fitness Friday - Active and Rising
Get moving with PD-tailored fitness videos that feature a different focus every week, from balance to coordination and more.
Parkinson's Revolution Dallas
Join us in-person at your studio location or virtually for a high energy ride that generates funds and awareness for Parkinson’s disease.