Educational Events

Young-Onset Parkinson’s Disease: Planning and Your Rights

Virtual ( Zoom )
4:00 pm to 6:00 pm CDT
Young family

Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease Webinar Series

Join us for an overview on laws governing the rights of individuals in the workplace, including reasonable accommodations and medical leaves.  Daniel Olson will present this interactive session, which will allow you to learn about disability laws and have your questions answered.  Mr. Olson is the Co-Chair of the Employment Law Practice Group at Bassford Remele, P.A., in Minneapolis, and an Adjunct Professor of Employment Law at the University of St. Thomas School of Law.

Join us for an educational presentation, followed by a Q&A session with our speaker. We will then have the opportunity to connect with others in the Young Onset community via Zoom breakout rooms to continue the discussion.


Daniel Olson, Co-Chair
Employment Law Practice Group, Bassford Remele
Adjunct Professor of Employment Law, University of St. Thomas School of Law

There is no charge to attend, but registration is required. This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their family, friends and the community.

This is a virtual program, taking place live, using the online Zoom platform. Instructions on joining the webinar are provided after registering.

Upcoming Events

Educational Events

Navigating Advancing Needs

This program addresses some of the challenges of advancing PD and explores strategies to prepare for the future, including how to evolve your care plans and treatments throughout progression so you can live your best life with PD now.

Indianapolis, IN
Fundraising Events

Disneyland Halloween Half Marathon Weekend

When you run with Parkinson's Champions you will be running one of the most popular races in the country to achieve a personal goal, but for the 1 million Americans living with Parkinson's disease, it means so much more.

Anaheim, CA
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