Mind, Mood, and Motion

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for everyone, but for people with Parkinson’s disease exercise and physical activity are an essential part of overall Parkinson’s management. This program will provide an overview of the positive impact physical activity can have on the movement symptoms of Parkinson’s as well as mood and thinking changes.
This program is open to people with Parkinson's, their family, friends and the community. There is no charge to attend, but registration is required as in-person seating is limited.
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Southwest Chapter
Chapter Supporters
The Parkinson’s Foundation is grateful for the unwavering support of our Program Sponsors. We invite you to view our full list of sponsors and learn more about them by visiting our Chapter Supporters Webpage.
Gold sponsor:

COVID SAFETY: The health and safety of our participants, sponsors, volunteers and staff are our top priority. We continue to monitor CDC recommendations and will adhere to state and local COVID guidelines in place on the event day. Adjustments will be made if necessary.
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