Introducing the New
We are excited to welcome you to the new We are still your go-to Parkinson’s disease (PD) website — now with even more features! Designed for better accessibility, our personalized filters allow you to easily find the essential Parkinson’s information you need at every stage of the disease.
Check out five new ways can help you today:

1. A Cleaner Look
No matter your preferred device, we optimized the site for your smartphone, tablet and desktop computer.

2. Easier Navigation
We improved accessibility. Our buttons are now easier-to-click and we integrated more color contrast and the ability to work with screen readers for those with low vision.
We aspire to continue finding new ways to increase access to essential Parkinson’s information for the 1 million people living with this disease, our new website is a good step forward.

3. More Local Events & Resources
Find more resources near you! Enter your zip code to use our enhanced local search.
Also, choose your local Parkinson’s Foundation Chapter to find even more events, support groups and exercise programs in your area.

4. Enroll in a Research Study
We designed an all-new research section, with an entire page dedicated to helping you find and enroll in current Parkinson’s studies. Explore the different PD research opportunities in our Join A Study page.
Looking to learn more about Parkinson’s research? Check out these new pages:

5. Get the information you need. Fast.
Try our new advanced filters featured across the site to find the information you need to help you navigate Parkinson’s. Customize your search by:
- Topic: including mental wellness, symptoms, research, treatments, and more
- Connection to Parkinson’s: including People with PD, Care Partners, Family Members, Health Professionals, and more
- Articles in English or Spanish
Utilize advanced filters in these newly enhanced sections:
- PD Library: Find the books, podcast episodes, fact sheets, videos and more that delve into the aspects of Parkinson’s that impact your life right now.
- PD Stories: Meet the people fighting this disease every day, along with those who love them and those devoted to care and finding a cure.
- Parkinson’s Today blog: Explore the latest in PD news, tips and research.