My PD Story

Henia Zames
Three years ago, I started my Moving Day team: Grandpas' Grand Legacies. When I was little, both of my grandfathers were diagnosed with Parkinson's disease (PD). Being so young, I didn't quite understand what living with this disease meant for them. I knew that they were sick, but I also thought that because I loved them, they would be around forever.
Sadly, Parkinson's disease took my Grandpa Leslie's (Dr. Leslie Davis) life in September 2019. He was a passionate, loving cheerleader for his entire family who always wanted the best for us. A few months later, in April 2020, my Grandpa Ira (Israel Zames) passed away. He always reminded his family what a proud grandfather he was, and he always made sure we knew how amazing we were.

These two losses hit me like a ton of bricks. I was determined to make sure that no one would have to feel the sorrow and grief that I felt because of my grandfathers' battles with Parkinson's disease. I took to my computer, searching for ways I could make a difference for people living with PD. I found an incredible organization, resource and most importantly, community: the Parkinson's Foundation. Through this organization, I have been able to meet people who experienced the same cycle of emotions, loss and grief as I did from losing a loved one with Parkinson’s.
Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson’s has given me incredible opportunities to impact the PD community. I was given the chance to share my story during the “We Move” ceremony at my local Moving Day in 2021, and I was recognized as the top fundraiser at Moving Day Central NY in 2022! By joining the PD community, I have been able to carry on my grandfathers' legacies and make life better for those living with Parkinson's disease. Thanks to Moving Day, I have been able to raise the awareness that We Care. We Fight. We Move.
Connect with your local community at Moving Day, A Walk for Parkinson’s. Find a Moving Day event near you.
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