My PD Story

Elva Brown
I do not do it alone. Like the saying goes, “There’s no I in team.” Going into my third year as team captain of “Team Sloth” for Moving Day San Antonio, I am very proud to volunteer with this energetic and passionate group to raise awareness of Parkinson’s. I may be the captain, but WE all do it all together.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is not always an easy conversation, especially for the other party. It was difficult for me as well at the very beginning. It took me four years to tell my family and friends that I, indeed had Parkinson’s. I just couldn’t say the words.
Eventually, I found and joined a support group. I learned that they were going to participate in a walk to raise funds for Parkinson’s. I thought to myself, “this is the time to tell my family and friends.” So, I had a coming out party of sorts and told them I had Parkinson’s. My family and friends are very close to me, and they hurt for me. I reminded all of them that my body would be changing but not my mind or my thoughts and I was still the same person.
Now, 10 years later after my initial diagnosis and 12 years after going from doctor to doctor trying to find out why I was having so many problems with my hands, here I am. I’m older now and I can honestly tell you that I actually consider having Parkinson’s as a blessing.
This journey has certainly brought many people into my life. People with Parkinson’s and their families, the Parkinson’s medical community, the Parkinson’s support groups, the Parkinson’s exercise groups, people who work with the Parkinson’s community like the Parkinson's Foundation. All these people have made my life better and without having Parkinson’s, I would not have met them.
Parkinson’s disease has certainly changed my life, but I will not let it alter it in a negative way. I fight on a daily basis to beat this disease. And I will continue to fight beating this disease for the San Antonio community here as well. It all starts with awareness. I have learned a lot. I didn’t know what Parkinson’s was when I was diagnosed but I read, researched and I asked questions. And that’s where the Parkinson’s Foundation comes in for me. They have helped me and countless others here in San Antonio.
As is part of the Foundation’s mission, “In everything we do, we build on the energy, experience, and passion of our global Parkinson’s community.” That is exactly what they do for me and many others here in San Antonio and across the world.
With the help, love and support from my husband, my family my friends and my faith; I know I can make an impact in our community; a good and positive impact.
I plan to make 2023 Bigger, Better, Badder.
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