Episode 136: Traveling with Parkinson’s Disease
Parkinson’s disease (PD) can be an impediment to certain activities, but with proper planning, people can still pursue many of the things they have always enjoyed. One of those things is travel – to see family, visit friends, or explore new sights and cultures. One key to enjoying travel is planning. Pay special attention to issues that are known to affect how you feel and function.
Packing extra medications when traveling has always been a good idea, but with today’s unpredictability of flight schedule changes and cancellations, as well as the possibility of contracting COVID, it makes sense to carry even more than a few days’ supply of extra medication. Anticipate managing any shifts in medication timing if you are visiting a different time zone, interruptions to your exercise and sleep routines, in addition to unforeseeable events and changes.
In this episode, we hear from two people with valuable advice and tips for traveling with PD. Rebecca Miller, PhD is a clinical psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University School of Medicine and is a person living with PD. Occupational Therapist Julia Wood, MOT, OTR/L is Director of Professional and Community Education at the Lewy Body Dementia Association. An overriding message from both of them is “planning for the unpredictability of today's world.”
Released: September 6, 2022
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