Parkinson's Foundation Supports Local PD Communities

The David Posnack Jewish Community Center is a 2018 Parkinson’s Foundation community grant recipient that runs free exercise programs for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in Davie, FL. With their increased number of participants each year, the program utilized a grant from the Foundation to expand and add more classes. Today, they offer PD-tailored Tai Chi, yoga, Ageless Grace®, boxing, aquatic exercises, voice therapy, spinning and dance.
Barbara Jones, a caregiver to her husband who is living with Parkinson’s, never misses a class and always leaves inspired.
“The care that he gets here is unparalleled, you just can’t believe how important this class is for us and how much attending the classes help him get going and moving,” Barbara said. “I don’t know how I would get through this is I if I didn’t have these classes.”
In 2018, the Parkinson’s Foundation expanded its community grants program nationwide, inviting all organizations and individuals who offer a Parkinson’s exercise or wellness class anywhere in the U.S. to apply for a community grant. In 2019, the Foundation will award $1.2 million in community grants to help local programs further their health, wellness and education initiatives that address unmet needs in the Parkinson’s community.
“The best part of my job is attending programs that have received community grants and meeting with the people in our PD community who benefit from these unique PD classes,” said Nadia Romero, Parkinson’s Foundation grants manager.
The Foundation measures the impact of every local community grant recipient in their communities through site visits, developing a deeper understanding of the project, community need and impact.
“We want every grant we award to help as many people as possible — that includes people living with Parkinson’s, caregivers and family members,” Nadia added.
Help your local PD program receive a Parkinson’s Foundation community grant! If you manage a PD program or know someone who does, please visit
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