In Memory of Bernard J. Fogel, MD

The Parkinson’s Foundation mourns the loss of Bernard “Bernie” J. Fogel, MD, emeritus board member. Dr. Fogel served as the dean of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine from 1981 to 1995.
He was a member of the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) board since 2007 and chairman from 2008-2013. Under his leadership, NPF launched a research study to improve the quality of care for people with PD, as well as a signature event, Moving Day, a walk for Parkinson’s, which has raised nationwide awareness of the disease.
Immediate Past Chair of the Parkinson’s Foundation, John Kozyak, worked with Dr. Fogel to fundraise for Parkinson’s research. “Bernie was well-respected in Miami and brought his undivided attention to helping the Foundation and honoring his father, who had Parkinson’s. Bernie will be missed and will always have a place in the legacy of the Foundation.”
The Foundation is grateful for Dr. Fogel’s commitment to the Parkinson’s community and his advocacy efforts to make life better for people with Parkinson’s and their families. The staff and board of the Foundation offer our deepest condolences to the Fogel family.