Midwest Chapter

Serving IL, IN, WI

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Parkinson’s Foundation Midwest makes life better for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) by improving care and advancing research towards a cure. Whether you are newly diagnosed with PD or have been managing it for years, are a care partner, family member or friend of someone with PD, we are here to help you.

a man and a woman in PF swag standing in front of a large, excited crowd walking for PD

Local Partners

The Parkinson’s Foundation Midwest Chapter is grateful for the unwavering support of our Chapter Partners and Sponsors. Together, we are able to bring education, resources and support to people with Parkinson’s and their families.

Program Partners

Gold Level

Supporters of the Parkinson's Foundation Midwest Chapter share our commitment to fighting Parkinson's disease and increasing public awareness of this condition. Learn more about our supporters and how you too can help to advance our mission by contacting: Allison Liefer, Development Director, at 773-570-5372 or ALiefer@Parkinson.org.

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